Pricing software -estlite -website pricing

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Pricing software -estlite -website pricing

Post by kev@frames »

(note to moderator move this post if applicable- thanks!)
Im just about to get a second computer for the shop, so that the long suffering Mrs P can get the benefits of Estlite.

I have one problem of integrating estlite into the whole scenario- I would like an online price calculator for my website, just a java gadget (or php) which uses the same algorithms as estlite -with the objective of getting the same price from an online quote as a customer would get over the phone/over the counter.

Now I reckon estlite could knock up a java aplet in two minutes that would do the job on the website -hey, you could actuially use it on your own site as an online demo...... and maybe include it as a configurable version with the pro version :D Im not trying to blag a freebie, but maybe estlite would take the idea onboard. With an estlite link in the pricing plugin, it might help the online marketing and be worthwhile.

in my case it would be the difference between buying BBest and EstLite just for the one feature.

Make that two problems- I'd also like to install estlite to a drive other than C.

ok... three (ish). If problem 2 is overcome, can I install estlite to a flash drive?

you'll see the full horror of amateur java efforts on my site, and that'll give you some idea of what I *dont* want lol.

what I would like is an estlite sitting on a web page so my customers can worjk the prices out themselves, and save me three hours worth of emailing and muppet questions every day ;)
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Re: Pricing software -estlite -website pricing

Post by John »

An intriguiging notion Kev@.

It has crossed my mind that, if ever I could spare those two minutes you spoke of, a web based version might be an interesting exercise. However, at the moment, development effort is being concentrated in another direction. (More of which soon.)
kev@frames wrote:Make that two problems- I'd also like to install estlite to a drive other than C.
Good News - You don't have a second problem, EstLite can be installed on any (read/write) drive and at just about any location you choose. Also, there should not be a problem running it on a flash drive - so there goes the third "problem". (Are you by any chance a Monty Python fan?)

Rich and interesting website you have there, did you create it yourself?
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Post by kev@frames »

Hi John,
isn't everyone a Python fan? ;)

"rich and interesting" thats a euphamism for "i can see you only meant to have a one page site and now its run away with itself" or "how tired were you when you did that page?" lol.
yes, unfortunately the budget doesn't run to professional web design. I guess the site reflects my own unstructured "grasshopper mind" way of thinking, more of a blog than a shopfront ;)

Ive got half way there with a very simple and basic java module/plugin for it, but it only covers one moulding/price range :) I'll plug away (no pun intended) and see how I get on.

Looks like its BBest for us for the time being.
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Post by ertan »

i am based in bournemouth, i would like to find poster supplier mostly for military prints. does anyone know good supplier where i do not have buy large quantity. : and would like to sell them on my web site .

Post by Roboframer »

Welcome to the forum ertan!

I think you have asked your question on the wrong bit of the forum - this bit is for geeks :D

But anyway - try Felix Rosenstiels for cheap open editions - and if you want small quantity Wessex pictures distribute for them. Rosentstiels will send you just one print, sure, but they have a minimum charge, go below and they add a handling fee, plus carriage, those two will probably exceed the cost of the print. Wessex charge a flat fee.

If you want more upmarket hand-coloured etchings & engravings, try Thomas Ross.
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