Fletcher tab gun - repairable?

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Fletcher tab gun - repairable?

Post by WannabeFramer »

My Fletcher Framemaster Point Driver decided to have a hissy fit. :? The 'trigger' suddenly has no resistance, no 'click' and won't fire any points. Nothing is jammed that I can see and nothing happened before it just suddenly stopped working.
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I've been looking through various threads and can see that some things are fixable, albeit a bit of a pain, but I'm not sure what the problem is to know where to start. I'm happy to have a go taking it apart but before I do, would anyone have an idea of which bit is busted? I have this diagram (and visions of an exploding avalanche of 'bits' if I touch the wrong part...)
I'm thinking it could be something to do with part 22, the trigger spring but any pointers would be much appreciated. Thanks!
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Re: Fletcher tab gun - repairable?

Post by fitz »

I tried to fix mine but as soon as I took out the securing screws and opened it up it burst open and bits including springs burst out everywhere. I couldn’t get it back together and ended up binning it. I would probably be more careful in separating the parts if I had the chance again. hope you have more success than me. Good luck 😳
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Re: Fletcher tab gun - repairable?

Post by Not your average framer »

They take a bit of figuring out how to get them back together, but it's can be done. The channel at the botton with the big spring, the hammer weight and the hammer blade need to go in last. To do this you need to slacken the screws at the top of the plastic casing and not yet have the bottom screws in at all. If you loosen the top screws too much the top spring will come flying out , so you only need to loosen the top screws just enough to squeeze in the bottom channel and its contents as a complete assembly.

The spring tensioning screw at the back only gets screwed in place once every thing else is fully assembled and all the scres are tightened. The margin of error for loosening the top screws to ease in the channel assembly, with out the top spring coming flying out is very small, so don't over do it!
Mark Lacey

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Re: Fletcher tab gun - repairable?

Post by Not your average framer »

Both Framer's Equipment and Lion are able to supply parts for Fletcher Terry items of equipment, I would suggest that you carefully examine the various internal parts looking for signs of something which is excessively worn, or failed and see if you need a replacement part. It has been my personal experince that Fletcher Terry parts are extremely well made and as a rule have and extremely long life, so it may just be a matter of cleaning and reassembly. Generally speaking Fletcher Terry tab guns should not need any lubrication, but just a good clean to remove any build up of dirt, or contamination.
Mark Lacey

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Re: Fletcher tab gun - repairable?

Post by WannabeFramer »

Thank you both, I think it will indeed just be a case of seeing how well I can take it apart and if anything is obviously wrong. I got it second hand quite cheaply but I would much rather try and salvage it if at all possible. I do have a fall back Framers Corner gun I can use if I get some tabs, but I've nothing urgent on so can afford to take some time looking at the Fletcher one first.

I'll report back!
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Re: Fletcher tab gun - repairable?

Post by WannabeFramer »

I've been fiddling and taken it apart and the only bit that is obviously broken is this nylon (?) bumper - part 8.

I'm not sure what the bumper does, but would that cause the symptoms? I'm not saying I will be able to actually get it back together again, but Lion sell the part so its worth a try.
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Re: Fletcher tab gun - repairable?

Post by Not your average framer »

Yes that would do it! That bit is quite skwishy and behaves like a shock absorber. It is necesary to limit the impact of the hammer blade against the tab being fire into the frame and it there prevents excessive impact damaging the hardened edge of the hammer blade. After a while, the plastic block goes soft and shrinks in size, that sort of material is a plastic type known as an elastomer. You can easily cut a new one from a white plastic pencil type rubber. It won't last for ever, elastomer materials evenually lose their physincal properties and when that happens it's time to cut a new one again!

The hardened edge of the hammer blade has been treated to harden it, which also makes it subject to britileness, if the impact becomes excessive and if you are trying to drive the tab into something very hard, such as a knot in a piece of hardwood, allowing something to give a little will extend the life of your and prevent premature failure of your tab gun. I've had one of those fail and needing to be replaced myself, so yes that's what it is!
Mark Lacey

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Re: Fletcher tab gun - repairable?

Post by WannabeFramer »

Ooh thank you! Off to raid the stationery drawer...
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Re: Fletcher tab gun - repairable?

Post by Not your average framer »

Get a nice fairly resistant one and cut it to be a good fit. You can alway cut it down a little if it is too thick, but if it is too thin you can't add it back on!

Enjoy and happy new year!
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Re: Fletcher tab gun - repairable?

Post by RogerC »

Does this help?

I was able to buy a repair kit - can't remember exactly what was in it though...
Video shows disassembly and reassembly of the gun.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Fletcher tab gun - repairable?

Post by WannabeFramer »

Ooh, this is fantastic thank you! Sorry, I've been offline for a few days to reply. I didn't have anything suitable to make a new bumper with so I put it to one side and used my spare gun in the meantime but I'll be back looking at it this week.
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Re: Fletcher tab gun - repairable?

Post by Zac »

Just some words of encouragement, I have one of these that jammed, sounds like the same issue you're having. I ordered the spare parts kit from Lion and watched the video above a couple of times before following it and dismantling/reassembling the thing, it worked a treat.
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