Cassese CS20

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Cassese CS20

Post by invernessframer »

Hello all!

Currently trying to set up/use a Cassese CS20 underpinner for the first time and not getting very far...first problem is the Bambi pt50 compressor I have only has one working motor - do you reckon this will be enough to power the underpinner?

Second issue is that I can't work out how to reposition the fences, at the moment the way they are means that the nails would be shooting off centre of the join (see photos attached). Any videos I've found seem to feature CS20 underpinners that look quite different to mine...any advice would be very gratefully received!
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Re: Cassese CS20

Post by Timh »

Looks like both fences just need realignment
I've got this model and when it's set up I find it great

You'll have to turn the silver turns
When you start , you'll see which way they're heading
When your corner sample sits in the centre you're good to go
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