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Trade Magazines

Post by Merlin »

Have just received May's Picture Business magazine. MMMM ABT could learn a few things !!!!!! Some good and needed Tips and Techniques sections. NOT Dinner dances with Dinner Jackets and Posh Frocks...

John, Have you tried contacting Picture Business for Sponsorship of this site. Again I am sure that their Banner across the top would help them.
Plus it would help that a trade magazine promotes this site.
How about asking Pete Bingham to come onboard as a 'Resident' if that is the right word - expert.

Just racking my brain, to try and help...
John GCF
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Post by John »

Hi John,

I'm not sure what links, if any, there are between Picture Business and ABT/FATG.

Because I believed that a lively forum would be a great resource for a trade magazine, a press release was sent to both Picture Business and ABT when the forum was first set up.

To date, the response from each has been identical. :?

I've no idea why.

If anybody has an answer, or even a theory, I'm sure we would all love to hear it.

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Post by Walrus »

G'day folks ...

Do you have a subscription address/website URL for Picture Business at all?
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Post by John »

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Picture Business

Post by Walrus »

G'day John ...

Thanks. I'm there.
Crouch and hold ... engage!

Trade Magazines

Post by Guest »

Hi John,

Before I comment on this subject, can someome (I am sure there are a few of you out there) tell me, is this forum just a medium for some for 'Constant Gripe' about the Fine Art Trade Guild and all it has done not only for the art and framing industry, but for your business and your business standards? Can the Guild do anything right?


As you know the ABT is the Guild's award winning magazine, BUT, having said that, I do wholeheartedly AGREE it needs to show more hints, tips, etc.., but for goodness sake quit griping about it, give credit where credit is due, the Guild awards is a major event in the art calendar, not only in Britian but also world-wide, and why should the ABT not give coveage to that? Just ask major publishers, like Washington Green De Montfort, major suppliers, such as Lion, Wessex, Arqadia, TruVue, etc. world respected artists such as David Shepherd OBE, Gordon King, and many, many more respected people than us, they all go, infact they never miss, so it must mean something to some people, eh? (As a matter of fact Picture Business always attend, did you know that?) My wife and I always attend the awards evening and have done so for many years, although this year (due to a family bereavement) we were unable to attend. The awards evening is not just for dressing up in fine suits, dickie bows, drinking the best wine, champers, etc..its the BEST place for networking opportunites, the amount of business, and extra deals I have gleaned from a chance meeting at the bar at 4am is not to be scoffed at. My wife and I always use it for a short break away from the workshop, you know, we have a life too.

Back to ABT and its faults (my opinion)

During my time as Branch Master for Northern Ireland. At meetings in London, I continully fought for more space in ABT for items such as you ask for, I know these are in the pipeline, but like Picture Business, premium advertising space is a must to keep any magazine alive, and the enormous costs of just producing 2 more pages has to be justified. (So we are led to believe) Not that I am defending the magazine in that department, I agree that there should be more pages allowed for hints, tips, photos of frames being made form start to finish, but I will keep the fight going, as always. I, along with other committee members have even suggested 'Supplements' of tips, etc. but again these are not forthcoming as yet, but like I said we will keep fighting for, not only the members want, but what the people deserve.

Pete Bingham:

As for Pete Bingham coming on board, Pete will be with me from Friday 14th May of this week, until Monday 17th May. Pete will be taking part in a 2 day hand finishing frame and mount course in my framing school. If you want John I will show this to Pete and can ask him if he would take part, but over the past 4 or 5 years and working very close to Pete I know of his time constraints, but I am sure with a little arm twisting, and a few Guinness, he may take part. Leave that to me. (Can the cost of the Guinness and vergetarian meals be against Forum expenses?).....Only kidding, I get the wife to pay for that, well, thats what she is for, is it not?

Although it is not my place to answer on behalf of ABT, I hope this has answered some points about the magazine, yes I know its not perfect and everyone would like to see such points and articles as suggested, I will send the original comment to the Editor in Chief and the Editor and see if they can come up with an answer? If one is forthcoming to me, I will post it here.


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Post by John »

Hi Stephen,

The forum is for everybody with an honest view to air on any topic of common interest.

I believe that when someone takes the time and trouble to put forward a point of view it should be respected and given due consideration.

For example, John started this thread by telling us that he liked May's Picture Business magazine and told us why he prefered it to ABT. Now surely if people are saying that they like the format of one magazine over another, it should be seen as a learning experience, or at least a point of interest, and should be appreciated as a valid comment.

To illustrate the point I am trying to make. When people report a problem they are having with EstLite, I am so grateful, and I always welcome criticism and suggestions for improvement. I certainly would never take the view that such messages are a “constant gripe”, or go off at a tangent about the benefits of EstLite, or how much it is respected by businesses large and small throuought the world. Instead, I listen to what is being said and implement improvements if I can.

John also asked me why the magazines were not more involved with the forum.

I stated the simple fact that they had been invited, and asked if anybody would know why they would not want to be involved. This was never meant as an attack, just a request for information. If you don’t know the answer, then a simple “Beats me..” would have been an ample reply.

That said, your input is always appreciated.

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Post by Merlin »

Hi Steven
I dont believe that my comment above was a 'gripe' at the FATG, just an observation between two very good publications.
Having said that. In June of last year, I did write to Annabel Rushton suggesting that just maybe they had lost their way on articles in the ABT.
As I do have copies going back some 7 years and they were full of 'hints and tips and techniques'.
You wholeheartedly AGREE with that.

Probably one reason that the 'gripes' are aired on this forum, is that in a number of previous posts, other forum members have stated that they have inputs into the Guild. As I have written to the Guild and have had no replies what other way is there of letting the Guild know that they do have a few problems on the High street.

As I appear to have my soap box with me I will continue.. I eagerly awaited the arrival of The Directory to see if there was any increase in the number of FATG members in the SW of England. As I was assured that the telemarketing division of the FATG were extremely active in trying to recruite new members. This was by letter again June last year.
I wasnt too suprised to find that there are still only 9 members and 1 GCF (me), in Cornwall, exactly the same as last year.. Yet yellow pages list some 90 retail picture framers. I havent counted the smaller framers or the galleries.
I leave you to decide why no increase in members.

WRT to Pete Bingham, thankyou for at least saying that you will try to twist his arm.. I do know that he is a busy man with many other work commitments.

If the FATG and ABT and Picture Business have been invited to be involved in this forum, Why havent they taken what could be a Golden opportunity for marketing and help the WHOLE trade out.
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Post by Underpinner »

I think that it is a bit rich for our "Guest", as a former N. Ireland FATG Branch Master, to query whether this forum is just a means of having a "constant gripe" about the FATG. How I wish that the conduct of the FATG over many years had NOT been such that I felt the need to complain, as a member, eventually to leave the guild, and now to display agreement with others here who are thoroughly fed up. And why shouldn't we be fed up? The facts stated elsewhere in this forum about the guild failing to respond to us speak for themselves - and it was noticeable that our "Guest" had nothing further to say on the subject in that particular thread.
John, I wonder whether the FATG and the trade magazines have failed to respond because they see this as an Estlite marketing medium, rather than as simply a framers' forum? I cannot think of any other reason.
As for a comparison between "Picture Business" and "Art Business Today" (the Guild's magazine), well, the former belongs to a large publishing group with a wide range of magazine experience and otherr resources to match and a burning need to achieve circulation figures, and to keep their advertisers happy (one of the reasons they attend major FATG events). That doesn't mean that ABT is necessarily poor by comparison, but it must be at a disadvantage.
John Williams


Post by markw »

I always look forward to reading both ABT and PB - marginally prefer PB - but the FATG can be justifiably proud of a fine publication. I would go as far as saying that its the best thing to come out of the FATG. But then i get PB free and ABT costs me? id rather not think how much, i would end up leaving the FATG again and i decided sometime ago that it was better to work to improve than gripe. FATG have to appreciate that many framing businesses are very small - they cant justify the cost of membership - yet they are the very businesses that need to network - the great thing about forums like this is that we are discussing relevant points as individuals. I aggree that critiscm is the least appealing aspect of any forum, but as john points out, it can be taken positivly. It was a few weeks ago that i was told this site had been discussed at FATG central (i believe that they were all sat around a large boardroom table - wearing dinner jackets, drinking champagne and smoking cigars) [i know the reality is a poky office, but i can have my illusions, it cheers up the day]. we have been overwhelmed by the feedback - a response here from disgruntled of Empress place, but no, nothing. We have a new Master - hopefully Mr Woolas will grip the FATG and shake it up a bit, the questionare that accompanied ABT this month did ask the right questions - i just wonder did i give the right answers? (how many opinions are they after - this is the second poll in only a few weeks).
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Post by John »

Underpinner wrote:John, I wonder whether the FATG and the trade magazines have failed to respond because they see this as an Estlite marketing medium, rather than as simply a framers' forum? I cannot think of any other reason.
If that is all that's bothering them, I would like to point out that the EstLite logo at the top of this page is not set in granite. It can be changed quite easily.
Square Frames

Trade Magazines

Post by Square Frames »

I have read the replies to my posting with interest, and I am sorry if I upset anyone, it was not my intention. Also sorry for taking so long to reply, I am yet again having problems with my AOL system on both work and home computers, but anyhow….

Having spoken to the Guild, I don’t think they will get involved in the forum, which is a pity, but that is their decision. Input from them directly would have been good and may have cleared up a few points, but hey, what can we do if they say no? But here’s the thing, if you have any grievance or gripe about the Guild, why not email them directly, as for an answer, I don’t know why they haven’t replied to some in the past (they should have), even to acknowledge the receipt of any letter, email or phone call, and at least have the decency to follow up any query or request.

What I would suggest, if you don’t mind, is send me your letter or email (if you still have it) and I will follow it up myself and try to get a reason why it wasn’t answered in the first place, I, like you can only try to gain a response. To be honest, in the past any time I have either emailed or phoned I have always had a response, maybe not as quick as I would like at times, but always a response of some kind whether it be favourable or not. I hope this answers Underpinner’s statemement, but I cant and wont apologise on behalf of the Guild, that is not my place, but what I will say it was very remice of the Guild not to at least reply and to be honest not the way an organisation such as the Guild should be acting.

As for ABT getting involved, again not my place to say why they are not, but I will say ‘I think’ they should. They are a large magazine and have a large readership all over the world, so a few comments on this forum here and there would not go amiss. I also believe that they should get back to the old days where there was a lot of emphasis on tips and hints and more actual photographs of ‘start to finish’ jobs, etc. They produced an excellent supplement approx. 18 months, 2 years ago, giving many hints and tips, etc. but these should be placed in each edition, as well as the odd special supplement. The readership would appreciate it. I also think the ABT should go monthly or failing that Bi-monthly, but I think it all comes down to cost and advertising revenue, but having said all that, it does need to change a little to incorporate what the readers actually want.

To answer MarkW, yes the forum was discussed a few weeks ago, in the Guild office, but not in any meeting, it was discussed informally by a few of us after the meetings had taken place. I had asked for it to be brought up on the agenda, it wasn’t, so a couple of us chatted about it over a smoke and a coffee (some drank wine, I personally don’t drink..jeepers I made the grave mistake of driving over this time, NEVER again, I will fly next time..haha). The outcome…well, most were in favour, one or two had reservations about the Guild bashing hammer coming out, but like I say most were in favour of a good quality forum (like this is) and expressing opinions and exchanging ideas, etc. That is why you have had no response, apart from me. (Did the forum ask the Guild to discuss it at the meeting?) Now whether I can get it onto the agenda for the next meeting, I don’t know, I will keep trying, and that is a promise! I also totally agree with you, now that Dave Woolass is Master, I think he has his own ideas of how the Guild should and will be run, and will help make changes along the way, the only reservation I have about Dave is this….he only has 2 years in office, not half long enough, but he has the support of all on the Guild Court and other committees.

In answer to John (Merlin Framers), when you wrote to Annabel, did you get an answer? If not, you should email her, or phone her, she is in the office on Thursdays and Fridays. If so, what did she say? It would be interesting to hear what she said. Try phoning and asking for Mike Simms, he is the editor, he is there on a daily basis, I would also be interested in hearing his reply. Like you John, I have ABT’s going back a lot further, and I agree they were full of hints and tips, but somewhere along the line they seemed to stop, and now all we are getting is the odd snippet and yearly the Guild’s entries to the Framing Competition, all good articles, photographs and explanations of how they were made, etc., but I do agree with you and what everyone else seems to be saying, that the magazine needs to return to the good old days. We live in hope.

Pete Bingham arrives with me this afternoon for 3 ½ days (Friday 14th May), I will begin the arm twisting as soon as he arrives, well I’ll make him a coffee first and then ply him with the ‘Dark Stuff’ I do hope he agrees. I will also talk with Dave Woolass, if no one minds, and see what he will come up with, although having said that Dave has produced and markets a rival pricing programme to John, I wonder what would happen there, eh?

Anyhow…I hope that has cleared a few points up, if I have missed any out, someone let me know?

Steven (Square Frames…not Guest)
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Post by John »

Hi Stephen,

While you are talking to these folks, try to determine if their resistance to the forum is because of a perceived link with EstLite.

If that is the case, please point out that our logo is at the top of each page by default and it can easily be moved aside to make room for any other sponsor.

Also, at the moment there is only one sub-forum, it deals with EstLite issues. However, anyone who wishes to offer customer support in a similar way can have their own sub-forum set up. There is no reason why Dave Woolass, or anyone else with such a need, can not support their customers on The Picture Framer's Forum
Square Frames

Tarde Magazines

Post by Square Frames »

Hi John,

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back, but since Monday evening I have had major problems with my, guess what? yes you got it, AOL and its connection. I think it must be something I have done somewhere or other, and being a complete 'AOLaphobe' and its constant changing making it even worse, I give up!

Anyhow..I spoke to Pete Bingham at length over the weekend, and to those framers that attended the '2 X Day hand finishing, frames and mounts' Pete has his time sewed up by one thing and another for the forseeable future. To explain: he has his framing business, his framing school business, his Everest paints, powders and inks business, his committment to the Framers Committee of Fine Art Trade Guild, his time spent on the Picture Business Agony column, and hin being in constant demand to do courses such as the one I organised, so he apologises, wishes the forum his best wishes, but unfortunately he just has no time to spare.

With regard to the Logo, that never even came into the subject, but I will endeavour to find out if it does cause a problem, and I hope to speak to Dave Woolass within the next few days and gauge his reaction, etc.n But personally I cant see that being the real reason, do you? I can see it being used as an excuse though............(thats my opinion)

As for the other framers that attended the course. I got mixed opinions and again mixed reservations. Most basically said the same, that most forums of any kind, be they framing or representing other business, were there basically for the whingers and for those who had little to do with precious time, and for those that tended to hide behind silly made up names.

Not personally my opinion, I belive that forums such as this can be very constructive, with hints, tips, topics of discussion, problem solving and sharing, etc., but to be truthful that is the impression I was given by all those. To be honest if they dont want to get invloved, thats their perogative, there are always people only too willing to help others and talk, albeit not to constructive at times. If I thought otherwise I would not be invloved, but am more than happy to get invloved in indepth, healthy debate, and to be allowed to state my opinions, and I must reiterate 'My Opinions' about any subject matter whatsoever, and yes that include Fine Art Trade Guild and the GCF scheme.

Sorry, if I was unable to persuade Pete Bingham to participate, I did my level best, but I believe that you all can see how busy that man is and what he has on his already plate. Having said that, I have arranged for Pete to come back over in October / November this year for another 2 day course, if anyone is interetsed, please let me know. I need a maximum of 10 persons to fill the slots available, 3 slots have already been filled, by those who missed out last weekend.

Talk soon,

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