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Posted: Thu 24 Apr, 2008 5:11 pm
by Moglet
Various meanings for 'dummy':

1. Model, e.g. one used by a tailor, or a "crash test dummy." Can be extrapolated to mean a "stand-in" of some type in a variety of contexts.

2. Baby's soother (I think the Americanese is 'pacifier').

3. Slang expression used to describe a person of limited intellectual prowess.

Glad you found the template easy to follow, Bill. Thanks for the positive feadback! :)

Posted: Thu 24 Apr, 2008 5:25 pm
by Spit
Have a “dummy” photo in place, since the real one is likely to get banged up.
I thought you were going on about the latter half of the sentence! Just shows how my mind works, I guess :?

Posted: Thu 24 Apr, 2008 6:10 pm
by Bill Henry
Spit wrote: I thought you were going on about the latter half of the sentence! Just shows how my mind works, I guess :?
Oh, boy! I missed that one completely. I trust I didn’t offend anyone, you befouled, vitiated, blighted, malodorous, vapid, mephitic poltroon. :P

I suspect that the minds of most of you guys spend more time in the gutter than a soggy cigarette butt.

Thumbs up. Keep up the good work! :lol: