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What does the GCF Mean ?

Posted: Tue 08 Jun, 2004 10:54 am
by Guest
I have just sat for my CPF which is a certified picture framer in the States so i am guessing that GCF is the european equivellent if so is there any type of exam that i can sit to obtain this ? as we have none of this here in Australia

Posted: Tue 08 Jun, 2004 3:58 pm
by Dermot
Welcome to the Picture Framer’s Forum

GCF…= Guild Certified Framer run by the FATG…..

Your CPF is a recognised educational standard

In Australia you have The Picture Framers Guild of Victoria some of there publications were done in conjunction with the PPFA who manage the CPF exam

Posted: Wed 09 Jun, 2004 12:26 pm
by Guest
Thanx for the info i have sat and passed my vic Guild exam 2 years ago and i am still waiting my Certficate they are not much help if you leave out side the state of Victoria i am working on getting a group set up here in NSW

Posted: Wed 09 Jun, 2004 12:38 pm
by Dermot
If you want to drop me an Email with your details….I can put you in touch with some of the people at the PPFA….they will have some information which may be of interest to you……..I’m sorry I cannot post it here….as it is not for general consumption yet :roll:


Posted: Wed 09 Jun, 2004 8:47 pm
by John
Dermot wrote:GCF…= Guild Certified Framer run by the FATG…..
GCF stands for Guild Commended Framer, though I think I would prefer your definition Dermot. :)

Posted: Wed 09 Jun, 2004 10:16 pm
by Dermot
Sorrrrrrry about that :oops: :oops:

I can see your point John

CPF…..Certified Picture Framer
GCF….Guild Commended Framer


Posted: Thu 10 Jun, 2004 8:54 am
by markw
great creative flare :shock:
get cash frequently :D
great consumer fraud :evil:

sorry couldnt help myself - sure there must be lots more?

Posted: Thu 10 Jun, 2004 11:24 am
by Dermot
Now Now Mark…lets try to be gracious :wink: …….Have you considered joining the PPFA…….interesting things are in the pipe line…… :wink:


Posted: Thu 10 Jun, 2004 6:53 pm
by John
Interesting things, Dermot...

What's this I hear about you hosting the next PPFA AGM in your capacity as Ambassador at Large?

Is it true that you intend to ply all the attendees with lashings of the black stuff? If so, can I come? :D

Posted: Fri 11 Jun, 2004 1:10 pm
by Tammy74
Thanx for the info
i have just joind the PPFA and i find the info given to me very valuable .

Posted: Sat 12 Jun, 2004 11:47 am
by Dermot
Well John it looks like my cover is blown….my master plan of over running this part of the world with PPFA Chapters is out!!!!….. :roll: :shock:

The set up of the PPFA is that there is head office and then the Chapters…some of the Chapters are quite big and would even have there own web sites…..I’m the only member of the PPFA in the South….there is an other business in the North who is listed in the PPFA directory (you can see this on line at the it’s in the members bit of the site you can check details by Country)…….perhaps this is changing as it takes a few weeks for the PPFA to up load members details to there web site..

Now back to me being “Ambassador at Large” for the PPFA….that’s my good friend Ron (Ron Eggers) having some fun :D ….the PPFA have some sort of “orphan” program in that a PPFA Chapter can adopt a member who is a long distance from the nearest Chapter…..I had asked Ron more as a joke if his Chapter would like to adopt me…..of course I can imagine what happened at that the meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter ………Yippee lets all get our golf clubs and head for Ireland and annoy Dermot and have him buy us all copious amounts of Guinness……and then the St. Louis Chapter jumped in to claim me!!!…….some chance they will have ……..little do the know……I’m a non drinker and I have no interest in golf…….though I would be more than happy to help the PPFA organize a trip to Ireland……

and BTW members and non members are welcome to attend a PPFA Chapter meeting…..there is generally a small charge to attend with non members paying a little more… the present special of US$25 to join the PPFA you would very quickly recovery your outlay…… :wink:

I’m heading for the framing (this is the big one lots of education of all sorts methodology and business training) show in Atlanta in September where I hope to get more to grips with what would be involved in setting up a PPFA Chapter in this part of the world…….I’m very lucky in that I can indulge my passion and devote quite a bit of my time to the development of the world of framing (some would say I over do this I say I can do it at present and why not)…….my wife is much better at making money than I’ am and I rum my business as a second income…..though I would have strong ambitions that if I can get it right in a few years it will be very much a stand alone earner and quite a good one at that… plan would not work for everyone but I have high hopes…. :D

if anyone is heading to Atlanta let me know as the Grumblers get together for dinner on one of the nights….I have been to one in New York a few years ago and it was a super night…. 8)

You may not be aware but a few years ago the PPFA joined with the PMA (Photo Marketing Association) in fact my receipt for membership of the PPFA came in UK£ from the PMA office in Birmingham (I understand this is for admin purposes), though you have to make Membership applications via the PPFA’s US office, …..the PPFA is now a well financed and managed operation and is growing in leaps and bounds I have being very impressed by what they are doing…… fact recently William Parker (a framer himself) who heads up the PPFA gave me a call one day to welcome me on board and to clear up a small miss understanding, other people at the PPFA office keep in touch from time to time…just yesterday I received an email letting me know that I could get the CCI Notes – (Painting only sections that apply to the CPF exam) directly from PPFA …..and this was from a casual remark I had made on the US Grumble (the folks at the PPFA do participate on the US Grumble and will give input, use it as a conduit to pass information and ask for advice and guidance from time to time) …..they keep in touch and look after their members like nothing I have ever come across before… would be hard not to be impressed…..

The networking with the PPFA is second to none…..there are members right now who are helping me with how I hope to develop my business……with planned visits, by sending me training material….and by inviting me to there workshops to give me individual training in the area of framing I’m hoping to presume…I’m seeing a very bright further for myself…..from what I can only describe as a disaster a year or so ago… :D

One last thing that I like about the PPFA is how they have left the job of setting the standards for framing to FACTS ( big things happing there also) an independent stand alone organization which allows the PPFA to get on with the job of helping framers with the business aspects of running a framing business…….


Posted: Sat 12 Jun, 2004 12:43 pm
by markw
Its interesting that this post strated off asking what did GCF mean? and ended up by defining what the PPFA meant - and i cant but help think that the PPFA have more to offer my business than the FATG - The bill for membership of FATG will arrive soon - and i suspect that i will gasp with horror at the amount of money required - Dermot you may have a new PPFA convert.