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Looking to change career can you help ?

Posted: Fri 16 Dec, 2016 7:28 am
by Jarrah
Hi I'm new to this forum and am looking for advice. I have been in the print trade all my work life 35yrs and am looking to get out and try framing. I have been a hobbyist woodworker for a number of years now doing projects around the house and really enjoy it. I would like to find someone locally who would be interested in letting me see what goes on in a picture framing business on a daily basis . I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty and get stuck in if required in fact I encourage it :D I just want to see if its an avenue that I can pursue or actually no its not for me. I live in the east midlands and have every other week free, so on my days off I'm happy to tag along. Anyone interested in showing me the ropes please get in touch. Thanks in advance. :wink:

Re: Looking to change career can you help ?

Posted: Fri 16 Dec, 2016 8:30 am
by David
Hi Jarrah welcome to the forum. I'm in south Northamptonshire having moved from London working from a workshop at home. I've been framing for over twenty years mainly in a high street framing art gallery. Happy to talk framing over coffee if you want to come over.

Re: Looking to change career can you help ?

Posted: Fri 16 Dec, 2016 9:39 am
by David McCormack
Welcome to the forum Jarrah :D

Re: Looking to change career can you help ?

Posted: Fri 16 Dec, 2016 2:57 pm
by Jarrah
Thanks for both your reply's David in Northampton I will come back to you next week we are away at the mo. Cheers.