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Free Stuff

Post by JohnMcafee »

Excel Pricing Chart
Extremely configurable frame pricing spreadsheet. Just add a price code to each of your frame samples, configure the mark-ups to suit your business, and you are good to go. We had blank framing dockets that were filled out by hand to give to our customers. We started our business with this, it served us well for the first year or so.
Frame Price Chart Maker.xls
(59 KiB) Downloaded 1048 times

Coved Box Designer

Works out all the dimensions required to cut a coved box (for framing three dimensional objects) More info here.
(540.25 KiB) Downloaded 689 times

Valiani Mat Pro Pneumatic Excel Spreadsheet
Indispensable aid to setting the stops when cutting double mounts and/or multi-apertures on these old machines
(45 KiB) Downloaded 654 times

Truecut CMC Helper
Reduces the number of steps needed when cutting bottom weighted (and other) apertures, and optionally applies dimensional corrections.
(419.76 KiB) Downloaded 657 times

Pre-View frame visualisation software
Visualise the finished frame to your customer at the point of sale.
Not for the technophobe, initial setup requires a bit of faffing around, however everyday use is a breeze.

Maximum Frame Size calculator
The Maximum Frame Size calculator, will do the sums for you. Not only will it calculate the maximum frame size that can be made from a given length of moulding, but it will also calculate the (theoretical) length of moulding required to make a frame of given dimensions.
Just enter the Moulding Length and Moulding width and the app will calculate the largest frame that can be made from that length.
  • Calculate the length of moulding required to make a frame
    Also, by selecting the second line of text and entering the Moulding Width, Frame Width, and Frame Height, the program will compute the length of moulding required to make the frame. Additionally, there is an option to specify the number of frames and percentage waste.
Download and open the zip file, and place the single executable MaxFrameSize file in any suitable location - it is totally self-contained, so no installation required.
(486.47 KiB) Downloaded 624 times
"A little learning is a dangerous thing"

(Also known as John, the current forum administrator)
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Re: Free Stuff

Post by Steve N »

Thanks John :yes:
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Re: Free Stuff

Post by cleaver »

Good on you, John. :clap:
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Steve N
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Re: Free Stuff

Post by Steve N »

Just a little spreadsheet I have on my desktop, I use it when I need to calculate how much of the smae moulding I need to have if I'm making a lot of frames all out of the same mouling, please use as you seem fit, instructions are in the spreadsheet, if you make a mistake, just use the Backspace< key, just don't save it when you are finished using it, easy way to get rid of all the figures you have entered
Moulding calc.xls
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Re: Free Stuff

Post by cleaver »

Top man, Sheriff Steve :clap:

Mind you, when I saw 'free stuff' pop up, I rapidly clicked through in case you were giving away an Excalibur or something :lol:
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Steve N
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Re: Free Stuff

Post by Steve N »

:bow: :rofl: Mr cleaver
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Re: Free Stuff

Post by theframer »

Thanks Steve
That is very kind of you :rock:
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Re: Free Stuff

Post by Kweji »


I can't stop myself to click on "Free Stuff" :o
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