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An interesting little side line

Posted: Sun 17 May, 2020 2:09 pm
by Abi
Hi there, I'm working with a framer on an interesting little project that uses up off cuts of moulding that are too short to be of much use for general framing. However in the current climate I've used up his waste pile, and he isn't producing much at the minute. So I thought I'd pop in and see if any other local framers had some bin ends they want to get rid of. I'm based near Bradford.

Re: An interesting little side line

Posted: Mon 18 May, 2020 10:31 am
by prospero
Hi Abi. :D

About a zillion framers will now be thinking it's Christmas. We all have stuff that has been kicking about for years
just waiting for it's hour in the sun. I have literally a shedfull of moulding. Mostly thin stuff and mostly the 'cooking'
variety. It's vintage stuff, but it's probably better quality than current stock. (There is maybe 3000ft of 1/2" bamboo
if that's any interest). I'm not too far away. Mid Lincolnshire. All free to a good home. You just need to come and collect it. :lol:

PM me if you're interested.