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Posted: Tue 04 Aug, 2020 8:24 am
Hi All

I have read the previously posted points of view on framing a large jigsaw, but I still need a wee bit of hand holding.

This is a 5000 piece Disney 60 inch X 40 inch. :Slap:

This is the plan -
The jigsaw is already on a board on the customers dining table and I have to collect.
I plan to take a board with me to sandwich the puzzle this board will become the backing board and final resting place of the puzzle.
The metric size of the puzzle is 1525mm X 1025mm. I plan to have the backing board cut to 1615mm X 1115mm to give a border of approx 45mm all the way round. The plan is to put a 10mm X 45mm slip around the puzzle. This will have two advantages, one to add strength to the 3mm (would you go thicker) MDF backing board and two to add a good flat base for the 5mm acrylic to sit on.

I have decide that if I can get the puzzle image side down, I plan to tape it with either pH70 or pH90 acid free take, I have estimated 4 rolls to do the job.
The puzzle will then be bonded to the backing board using double sided tape and PVA glue.

The slip will be painted a colour featured in the picture and the main frame will be Mainline 010-8484 in the colour Grey.

I may add a supporting brace on the rear of the backing board.

Please advise of any concerns you have with the enclosed, or should I even bother?

I will post in members only section of the forum to what I think the price should be quoted.


Posted: Tue 04 Aug, 2020 1:20 pm
by Timh
good luck with it. sincerely

are you able to get self adhesive mountboard at that size?
might be a little easier to use than tape and pva?

trick is spinning it over but from how you've described it I think you have that one
I have one in now a bit smaller and the customer used clothes pegs to hold the sandwich boards in place while turning it


Posted: Wed 05 Aug, 2020 7:20 am
Does anyone else have a comment on this or thoughts on the money aspect over in the 'members only' section?


Posted: Sat 29 Aug, 2020 7:16 pm
by Justanotherpassword
Use adhesive foam board. Done a number works fine every time, needs care and attention when doing but cost effective way of doing.