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Ebay Christmas Deals - Morso - Rondo - Keencut Gold

Posted: Thu 24 Dec, 2020 9:25 am
by jaybee173
Keencut Gold - Based London £400 - see it here

Morso - Based Norwich starting at £50 - see it here

Keencut Rondo - Based Yorkshire - starting at 99p - see it here

merry Christmas to one and all !!

Re: Ebay Christmas Deals - Morso - Rondo - Keencut Gold

Posted: Thu 24 Dec, 2020 1:08 pm
by Not your average framer
You can't really go wrong with the Keencut Rondo oval mount cutter. Nobody uses an oval mount cutter enough to wear it out. The broken glass only drops in to the top of the revolving table and is super easy and simple to replace. The rondo has essentially the same principle of operation as the later Oval 6 and does everything that the Oval 6 does. Because the glass is cracked, my guess is that it's not likely to get a lot of interest, so it will probably go for peanuts. So, a nice little deal for someone!

Merry Christmas, someone is probably going to have a nice cheap, but essentially good spec oval mount cutter in their Christmas stocking!