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Glass glued to frame...?

Posted: Mon 22 Mar, 2021 9:56 pm
by 123hackney
Hi framers
I’ve just received a frame for glass replacement and opened up to find the glass appears to be superglued to the frame. It’s a metal frame which is not something I have made myself before.
My initial thinking is to give it back and say no thank you!
But is this something people come across? Is it easy to remove without a trip to a&e?
Thanks as always

Re: Glass glued to frame...?

Posted: Tue 23 Mar, 2021 8:00 am
by Abacus
I’ve not come across this in a metal frame, we’ve had a couple glued with silicon in wood frames.

Your first thought would be our response.

Re: Glass glued to frame...?

Posted: Tue 23 Mar, 2021 8:40 am
by Gesso&Bole
I'd be very happy to replace their glass . . . . . . . along with a new frame.

Re: Glass glued to frame...?

Posted: Tue 23 Mar, 2021 10:47 am
by prospero
Whoever did this condemned the frame to the scrapheap. You could do it, but the real cost would far outweigh
the cost of a new frame. Unless the customer is insistent, in which case a hefty restoration fee should be levied. :lol:

Re: Glass glued to frame...?

Posted: Tue 23 Mar, 2021 12:02 pm
by 123hackney
Thanks so much all. Glad to know my thoughts are shared!
Its actually a lovely frame so quite a shame.

Re: Glass glued to frame...?

Posted: Tue 23 Mar, 2021 1:18 pm
by Not your average framer
Most super glues are hydro scopic and that means that they will absorb water. I suggest that you try pouring boiling water over where the super glue has been applied and hopefully the superglue will be weakened enough to remove the glass with the aid of a glass cutter and a pair of pliers. I would suggest that it will be easier to score the glass to produce break lines and attempt to remove and break free smaller and easily manageable pieces one at a time. Multiple repeat applications of boiling water may be a worthwhile approach if things don't weaken fast enough. Also gllass is more durable when it is heated so it will stand be force being applied without breaking the glass when at a higher tempature.

I have never encountered glass which has been superglued in to an aluminium frame so I've never done this, but if all else fails I've got a little kitchen butain blowlamp and if the aluminium frame does not have a painted fininsh, I would give the glued in glass a good blast with the blowlamp and this should break the hold of the superglue. Some force may still be required to break the glass away from the frame. Please let us know what the outcome may be, if you decide to try this.

Re: Glass glued to frame...?

Posted: Tue 23 Mar, 2021 10:21 pm
by 123hackney
Oh dam it. Now you've made me want to try and get it off! Especially if I get to use a blow torch. I'll tell them a cost for me to have a go. if I do give it a go I will let you know the results!

Re: Glass glued to frame...?

Posted: Wed 24 Mar, 2021 11:44 am
by Not your average framer
Sorry about that, but it might be useful experience and you never know what you might learn along the way. I hope you will be able to let the rest of us know how things happened. I know it's a learning experience for you, but it looks like the rest of us have never done anything remotely like this either, so it may just be an opportunity for the rest of us to learn from it as well.

Re: Glass glued to frame...?

Posted: Wed 24 Mar, 2021 1:58 pm
by JFeig
A heat gun will remove the bond of "super glues". It is used all the time in the machining industry to temporarily hold down small parts.

Re: Glass glued to frame...?

Posted: Thu 25 Mar, 2021 10:44 am
by 123hackney
Ok you've convinced me. I'll ask for it back! (Its a neighbours)