Bright red flat moulding 50mm or wider

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Bright red flat moulding 50mm or wider

Post by Parm »

Hi all! A customer has asked for a poster to be framed using a bright red flat moulding, at least 50mm wide. I asked Simons but they discontinued their FEST range flat red. Any suggestions greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
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Re: Bright red flat moulding 50mm or wider

Post by fitz »

In that situation I would paint a bare wood moulding bright red acrylic with a dead flat finish perhaps?
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Re: Bright red flat moulding 50mm or wider

Post by vintage frames »

Fitz has given you the most pragmatic advice.
I notice that you have an interest in classic car restoration.
So why not make the frame first with a 50mm wide plain wood moulding.
Then mix up some two-part wood or car filler and scrape it evenly along the top surface of the moulding.

After it's dried, sand it smooth with some 180grit wet/dry and finish with 320grit wet/dry.
You can buy a few sheets on E-bay or packets from your local car finish supplies.

Then spray the frame with a red car spray can.
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Re: Bright red flat moulding 50mm or wider

Post by prospero »

You can often spray a generic flat moulding that has the usual 'plasticy' finish with a rattle can of car spray paint.
I used to spray the good old ½" black cushion with paint cans from Halfords and it stuck a treat and was very durable.
The paint formulations may have changed over the years but it's worth trying a bit to see if it sticks fast. If you cannot
scrape the dried paint off with your fingernail then you're good :wink:

** degrease the moulding with White Spirit first.
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Re: Bright red flat moulding 50mm or wider

Post by Parm »

Thanks all. I will give the Rattle can on bare wood method a go!
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