Conservation and Museum framing course Saturday 19th October

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Conservation and Museum framing course Saturday 19th October

Post by MITREMAN »

Conservation and Museum Framing Course
Saturday 19th March
Location: Framers Equipment, Northampton.

Training based on the Fine Art Trade Guild Four Levels of Framing
Book online or phone 01604 790333 or mobile 07980 660240

Tutor Jan Stanlick GCF (APF)
49 Years of Framing Experience

The Art of Conservation and Museum Framing

By now those framers who have been on the Framers Equipment basic framing course or have been framing for some time will know and be practicing book mounts and basic T-hinging.
Moving forward this course takes you beyond the basics and into the world of conservation framing, upgrading your framing skills to achieve a higher standard of framing and income by offering a preservation framing service, to protect customers' artwork for future generations using reversible methods.
In this course, you will learn tips and tricks to help you navigate the many framing and mounting methods that could be used on your customer's artwork, but first, you will need to ask your customers some basic questions and you will need to understand what framing method would best suit their artwork or objects.
Asking questions helps you decide what methods to use and understanding the answers gives you a chance to choose the best methods, bear in mind there is never only one method.

• What does the artwork mean to your customer?
• Where do they see it hanging?
• What is the artwork, medium, and substrate type?
• Am I using the original frame?
• What condition is it in?
• Does it need pre-framing work?
• Do I need to advise restoration or conservation, what is the difference?
• Do I know a restorer or conservator?
• Which mounting method would best support it
• What do I mount it onto?
• Which frame type
• Does it need glass?
• What type of glass? or should I use acrylic?
• Do I need a window mount, if so what quality and type?
• How do I design a layout?
• Do I need spacers and why use them?
• Do I need a window mount, if so what quality and type?
• What Backing board should I use
• What fixing will it need?

These are a few of the many questions a framer should ask or be aware of and be able to answer.
This is why hands-on training is more important than learning online.
Framers Equipment Training is based on the Fine Art Trade Guild, four levels of framing standards, and my 49 years of experience in the trade.
Backed by Framers Equipment, Knowledge of Machines and products, we will help guide you through the next stages of your framing journey.

Kind Regards
Jan Stanlick GCF (APF)
Mitreman :D

The little company with a big reputation for service, civility, and complete customer satisfaction in all we undertake.
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Jan Stanlick GCF Picture Framing Consultant & Teacher
Working in association with Framers Equipment Ltd, Northampton
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