Box Framing course 3D objects and Sports shirts Saturday 16th November 2024

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Box Framing course 3D objects and Sports shirts Saturday 16th November 2024

Post by MITREMAN »

Sports Shirts, Collectable objects
Box Framing Course
Saturday 16th November 2024
Framers Equipment, Northampton.

Still, Some Places left, phone today to book your place 01604 790333 or Mobile 07980 660240

Here at Framers Equipment my brother Peter and I are practical people, we have been in the trade for nearly 50 years and have seen many changes in machines, methods and fashion.
We like to learn by seeing something demonstrated, being able to touch it, try it and be comfortable and confident in it.
That's why we promote the benefits of hands-on training.

4 Benefits of hands-on training

We believe that uninspiring training is a barrier to learning.
Training is as much about the social interaction as it is about the topic.
We like to allow our students to engage while creating a fun
social atmosphere in the training.

We believe our hands-on training style has a better retention
rate! Making hands-on training by far the most
effective training!

Training on our equipment and learning new methods will
increase familiarity with the machine and methods.
The hands-on training will also improve the practical experience and enhance problem-solving.

Such equipment as:

Morso Mitre Guillotine
Alfamacchine Underpinners
Fletcher Mountcutters
Keencut Mountcutters
Fletcher Wall Mounted Glass Cutter
Keencut Wall Mounted Glass Cutter
Job-related training and development opportunities directly influence employees
decision to stay with a company.

So let's upgrade your framing skills to use reversible methods while using conservation and museum materials.

But before you start in Box Framing it's useful to learn how to do a conditioning report before framing 3d objects

Training based on the
Fine Art Trade Guild
Four Levels of Framing
Book online or by phone

Tutor Jan Stanlick GCF (APF)
49 years of framing experience
Mitreman :D
Jan Stanlick GCF Picture Framing Consultant & Teacher
Working in association with Framers Equipment Ltd, Northampton
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