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Suggestions required for framing this print

Posted: Mon 02 Jun, 2008 9:09 pm
by cmaclean
Hi Folks
I'm looking for suggestions for framing this print made of really fine rice paper.

I plan to have a double window matboard, but would like your views on the type, size, colour of the moulding and colour of the mat board.

Cheers and thanks


Re: Suggestions required for framing this print

Posted: Mon 02 Jun, 2008 10:50 pm
by Roboframer

Not a 'how would you attach (mount) it?' but a 'what would you choose?'

Well, first off I'd say a 'double window' is out as there is only one image - ho ho!

A double mount? That'th different!

It would help if you gave the size of the thing but it's on some tiles, I reckon those tiles are 12x12" so the gold/yellow border is about 13x13"??

I doubt that that border is square, so I'd avoid too much contrast and make sure my square thing was as far away from that border as poss, the other option would be to mount (mat) over that border, but that would lose detail, so I'd not suggest that option.

Therefore my inner mount would be black, with a black core, and the outer would also be black, but I'd make it a leather effect (or something - maybe suedette) and the difference between top and bottom mount apertures would be about one inch, but with a gold fillip between them. Being an inch away from that not-square-border would not draw too much attention to the fact that it's not square.

The overall mount width would be about 4" - so - 3/4" of bottom mount + fillip and 3" of top mount.

I'd frame it in a mottled black and gold moulding from Nielsen that I can see if I shut my eyes, but I'm at home so can't give a ref - and AR glass with (museum) or without the UV filter depending on value, on this sort of thing would come in to its own.

Re: Suggestions required for framing this print

Posted: Mon 02 Jun, 2008 11:15 pm
by fineedge
another possibility - Crescent has a board called champagne that has a linen type finish. I would use that (with the grain vertical) at 80 to 90 mm then a black core black mount of about 7mm then a spacer and a third mount of gold black core -20 or 25 mm - also like Robo said away from the gold line on the print. As frame I would use a black HF frame with the fillip/slip/fillet (gold with little baubles or some texture related to the print) in the frame

Re: Suggestions required for framing this print

Posted: Tue 03 Jun, 2008 8:42 pm
by Roboframer
This is the moulding I was on about, but I forgot to note the ref!