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Business Improvement District

Posted: Thu 16 Oct, 2008 3:12 pm
by RobinC

The area where our shop is situated is currently touting for BID funding. All traders in the area get a vote. If vote is favourable we all get charged an extra .5 % of our rateable value for 3 years. The vote is weighted by the rateable value of the electorate, so I actually think that my vote is unlikely to change the outcome. The money raised is to be used to improve the shopping environment by improved street cleaning, more street events, a more welcoming evening atmosphere and employing "street rangers" to deter illegal street traders and beggars - oh over 25% goes on admin!

At the moment I think that I am sure of which way I am going to vote, but does anyone here trade in an area where a BID had been successful,and has it improved trading conditions?



Re: Business Improvement District

Posted: Thu 16 Oct, 2008 11:30 pm
by prospero
The thought occurs that it would not make a blind bit of difference. :( The thought also occurs that it could make things worse.
Street events? This conjours up visions of mime artists and similar tedious specimens guaranteed to drive customers away in droves. More welcoming evening atmosphere? More scope for hoardes of drunks knocking seven shades out of each other until the wee small hours. Sounds like a case of 'This Weeks Mad Idea' to me. I wish I could be a fly-on-the-wall at some of these brainstorming commitee meetings. :roll:

Hope I don't sound too cynical, but some of these schemes sound great on paper but have unexpected results.

Re: Business Improvement District

Posted: Fri 17 Oct, 2008 3:45 pm
by RobinC
Prospero - we are thinking the same way. We have already had reams of paper promoting this idea, I am just hoping that the major retailers, who have the biggest share of the vote, are feeling the pinch at the moment and kick it well into touch. I already pay several arms and legs in UBR and our shopping centres service charge so I do not need to be increasing my overheads at the moment.

Our council has a programme of events throughout the year and I cannot think of any that we have benefitted from - even the well publicised Preston Guild events (once every 20 years, next one due in 2012) do very little to improve our type of business - the city fills up with people who have come for the free show and most other people keep away to avoid the congestion. They have just announced a Santa Run which will close off half the city streets to traffic a fortnight before Christmas - it just drives customers to the out of town shops.

On the other hand, we have been involved with some free advertising through the council this year.

They have no idea!

Re: Business Improvement District

Posted: Fri 17 Oct, 2008 6:27 pm
by w00dward
It seems like some of the traders in Coventry city centre are against the BID scheme being run here. Already some are being taken to court for non-payment.

Coventry Telegraph

Re: Business Improvement District

Posted: Sat 18 Oct, 2008 9:10 pm
by avantime
Seems a rubbish idea - and to threaten the traders for not taking part. Mmmm this reminds me of the PRS (see other thread) - they are threatening me with court at the moment.

The local authorities are obviously looking to make some extra money after investing in Icelandic banks!!

Re: Business Improvement District

Posted: Sun 19 Oct, 2008 1:40 am
by prospero
I think we all aught to take law degrees. Then, instead of framing pictures, we could all spend the rest of our lives sueing each other from ****hole to Christmas. :evil: Never be out of work. :P