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Posted: Wed 05 Nov, 2008 8:38 am
by The Crofter
Looks like McCain has had his chips and his running mate is Palin into insignificance....


Posted: Wed 05 Nov, 2008 9:27 am
by framejunkie
Congratulations to our friends across the pond for voting in a bloke who can (probably) point to Mexico on a map of North America. I just hope he's good at chewing pretzels before he swallows them. It'd be a shame to lose him before he's cleaned up the mess.


Posted: Wed 05 Nov, 2008 9:37 am
by Keith Hewitt
LMAO :clap:

I'm glad its over - now the TV can get back to a more interesting selecton of news, until Jan 20th when I fear it will start all over.
They should call it an Ignore auration......, because i'm sure most outside USA are not as interested as the TV companies would have us believe !!


Posted: Wed 05 Nov, 2008 5:18 pm
by Bill Henry
The President Elect wasn’t my choice, but I wish him well. I can understand your loathing of the coverage. Over here it’s been going on nonstop for over a year with enough campaign ads and news coverage to gag a maggot. Thank goodness it is over.

But, just because election news won’t be coming at you with such intensity, it won’t stop us from sending over third rate TV shows that pass for comedy. :lol:


Posted: Thu 06 Nov, 2008 7:11 pm
by kev@frames
come on Bill! poor comedy?? Mash, Frasier, the Sopranos, the Simpsons..... comedy doesn't come much better!

Personally I had a leaning towards McCain. But Im glad you got Obama instead of Clinton. Whether he is a good president or not remains to be seen, specially with 2 wars and a recession to deal with as soon as he gets started in January. The Democrats have got their work cut out. I guess they will get any easy ride, any problems for the forseeable future can be blamed on the previous administration. I suppose after 8 years it can be change for changes sake.

I like the way we do it over here, if we'd had elections yesterday Gordon Brown would already have cleared his desk and been in the removal van today ;)

Looking at your system the transition period makes more sense though, but it robs the crowd of their lust for humiliation on the guy they boot out.

In britain we dont vote people in, we vote them out lol.


Posted: Thu 06 Nov, 2008 7:42 pm
by prospero
Turning to the more serious subject of US comedies..... I watched a few episodes of M*A*SH on the Paramount comedy channel lately and somehow they didn't seem as good as I remember. Then It dawned on me that when it was originally screened on the BBC it didn't have the 'laugh track'. It's amazing the difference it makes.

Greatest treat when I was little was staying up late to watch Bilko. :lol:

UK comedies are virtually extinct. :cry: All the erstwhile comedy stars seem to have migrated to The Discovery channels or are busy making documenteries of some sort.

Michael Palin was the first to defect with Around the World in Eighty Days/Pole to Pole.

Then there's....

Tony Robinson - Time Team
Paul Merton - In China/India
Vic Reeves - Rogues Gallery
Rory McGarth - Bloody Britain
Chris Barrie - Massive Engines
Terry Jones - Romans
Victoria Wood - Victorias Empire
Mark Williams - Industrial Revelations

.... to name but a few.

All good programmes, but where are the new comedies?


Posted: Thu 06 Nov, 2008 9:30 pm
by Roboframer
I sulked for weeks after the last episode of 'Frasier' - loved that show.

My favourite Brit comedy over the past few years was 'The Fast Show' - all that extreme comedy, like League of Gentlemen, Little Britain, Titty bang bang, sort of stuff was OK - but I'd never make a point of watching it.

To be able to get laughs from saying and doing the exact same thing each week takes some doing and the fast show had loads of characters that did just that. Like 'Johnny nice painter' You know he's going to go off on one anytime the word 'black' is mentioned, but you still giggle!


Posted: Thu 06 Nov, 2008 10:16 pm
by The Jolly Good Framer #1
This thread has split into two distinct paths. The US election and comedy. I think it’s time to bring it back together.
But which is best? The US elections or comedy?
There’s only one way to find out…

But why do the media keep going on about Obama being the first black president? Does that really matter? If McCain had won would the media be saying that he is the 44th white president? I don’t think so.
The colour of the guys skin makes no difference. Obama would still have won, black or white. But I wonder, has the US public voted for the man or the party?
I get the feeling that Obama has been hyped up to be the best thing since JFK. Lets hope we are not let down.

[end of mini rant... and relax]


Posted: Thu 06 Nov, 2008 11:12 pm
by Roboframer
He's not the ist Black President anyhow - what about Morgan Freeman in 'Deep Impact'?


Posted: Fri 07 Nov, 2008 1:53 am
by prospero
Roboframer wrote:He's not the ist Black President anyhow - what about Morgan Freeman in 'Deep Impact'?
How about Little Britain USA? Did they know something we didn't?

Come to think of it, in a lot of sci-fi type movies, the prez is usually black. Could this be life imitating art?

Good luck to the man anyway. :clap:


Posted: Fri 07 Nov, 2008 8:50 am
by framejunkie
prospero wrote:Come to think of it, in a lot of sci-fi type movies, the prez is usually black. Could this be life imitating art?
And every trial has a black female judge. I wonder what the real stats are? How many female judges? let alone black ones. I'm not knocking it - Hollywood should be the world as it could be rather than totally reflecting reality


Posted: Fri 07 Nov, 2008 3:01 pm
by Bill Henry
Speaking of the need for home grown comedy, I read that the Bournmouth Council is discouraging the use of Latin words and phrases that might be causing confusion among the English speaking population in your part of the world. Words with Latin and Greek roots are a scourge, and I’ve always believed that linguistic cleansing is long overdue.

There is unbelievable confusion when words such as telephone, theology, millimeter, or chiropractor are used in place of more descriptive terms such as “the strange device which allows a person to talk to some other person from a distance far, far away”. Such a ban should help.

Perhaps, you guys should have a new cabinet post such as they have in Quebec, e.g. (sorry, e.g. might be confused with a hard shelled object expelled by domestic female poultry which contains one celled consisting of a yoke and albumin) a Minister of Anglophonia. Oops, there’s another one.

Man, there is so much work to be done. Res ipsa loquitur. :giggle:


Posted: Fri 07 Nov, 2008 3:32 pm
by The Jolly Good Framer #1
When visiting America the phrase I like to use is:

Da mihi sis bubulae frustrum assae, solana tuberosa in modo gallico fricta, ac quassum lactatum coagulatum crassum.

I find it trips off the tongue nicely. But I can’t understand why I get blank looks.

Anyway, Nil illegitimi carborundum. :D


Posted: Fri 07 Nov, 2008 3:45 pm
by prospero
Is it on the trolley? :?

A mate of mine once asked for Ham Salad in Florida. He had to point it out on the menu as the waiter couldn't understand what he said. :roll:


Posted: Fri 07 Nov, 2008 5:16 pm
by Bill Henry
The Jolly Good Framer #1 wrote:When visiting America the phrase I like to use is:

Da mihi sis bubulae frustrum assae, solana tuberosa in modo gallico fricta, ac quassum lactatum coagulatum crassum.

I find it trips off the tongue nicely. But I can’t understand why I get blank looks.

Anyway, Nil illegitimi carborundum. :D
Well, not too many people speak Klingon over here. :D

Permissum frendo exsisto vestri umbrella quod vestri dentibus mos lavo.


Posted: Sat 15 Nov, 2008 4:28 pm
by Odems
Paling was super!!! ;)