framing football shirt with long arms

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framing football shirt with long arms

Post by danchip1 »

Thats the arms of the shirt, not my arms!!

I have a shirt in that is tricky. It is VERY large (not necessarily a problem), has signitures all over the front, from neck line to waist line and right to each side, the guy has had it kicking around for 20 years plus and it is floppy and baggy and mishapen. This would not normally be a problem as it would be fine to stretch, but he wants the cuffs of the (full length) arms showing

There is no where to put the arms coming around the front as they will obscure the signitures and to have them at the side looks totally mishapen and proportionately incorrect, as well as making the frame really big, whether they be hanging down straight, or at a bit of an angle. The material is so loose and floppy it doesnt lend itself at all well to the desired result

I have scoured Google images for shirts and have not managed to find ONE image of a shirt with long arms showing, so I'm starting to wonder wherther its poss to get a satisfactory result! Does anyone have any/ know of any pics that might inspire me?

Am starting to wonder whether to just hang the shirt of a hanger in the frame, loose as it were???

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Re: framing football shirt with long arms

Post by WelshFramer »

I did one that sounds similar some years ago. In that case it was a rugby shirt - full of signatures (from a rugby cup final team) but with a few beer stains that the customer didn't want showing. Seems it had only been worn once when his brother borrowed it and went down the pub to show some friends.

I used one of those hangers from Lion and draped it casually so that the folds mostly hid the stains but didn't obscure the signatures. The whole lot was fixed using those microtags, again from Lion. It needed a very deep rebate frame so that the folds looked natural.
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Re: framing football shirt with long arms

Post by daisy »

I also used the hanger system from Lion to frame a long sleved top. Lots of frills and creases to cater for. It would have looked terrible flattened and with this system I think I only used about 20 tags. I also used lion extra deep rebate bare wood with matching slip and stained both the colour I wanted.The customer was thrilled. Really easy system to use. Good luck
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