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Fletcher 2100

Posted: Tue 02 Feb, 2010 5:32 pm
by markfeely
Maybe someone can help.

I recently bought a second hand Fletcher 2100 mountcutter and have been struggling to cut an aperture which is perfectly square. Its ok for smaller mounts but anything above 600mm in length starts to look odd. its definitely cutting at 89 degree angles or worse.

The obvious culprit other than myself may be the mat guide. It certainly doesnt look square once its been tightened. Ive got to question the design of the lower locking knob. can that really square itself?
it seems a bit arbitrary.

can the mat guide be adjusted?

any suggestions or similar experieces would be gratefully received.

Re: Fletcher 2100

Posted: Wed 03 Feb, 2010 1:49 pm
by Steve N
Hi Mark,

Did you get a manual with it, and did you get the two squaring gauges as well, the squaring gauges are used to check the squareness of the mat guide.
You could also have a look at this old tread I have been told you can download a manual from Fletcher web site, it will have everything you need to know about setting it up and using it. If all else fails contact John Ranes, he is a member of the forum.

Best of luck


Re: Fletcher 2100

Posted: Wed 03 Feb, 2010 2:12 pm
by huntvambo
Alternatively you could try contacting Roy Rowlands on 01527 558777, he is the UK adviser on Fletcher products.

Re: Fletcher 2100

Posted: Wed 03 Feb, 2010 8:07 pm
by IslandViewJake
And of course, ALWAYS lock down thew wide end of the stop FIRST, not the narrow end which has the flexible slider attached!

Re: Fletcher 2100

Posted: Thu 04 Feb, 2010 2:38 pm
by Vix
Did you get the two aluminium squaring fixtures with your machine and the handbook? It's just that sometimes the machine can get out of true which may be causing your problem and these will help to square the sliding guide where Fletcher 2100 is written on it by making a few adjustments. Details are given in the handbook.


Re: Fletcher 2100

Posted: Thu 22 Apr, 2010 7:32 am
by markfeely
thanks for your help, all.

i didnt gert the fixing arms with the machine, but have lined up the support arm myself with a jig.
