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Logan Pro Joiner

Posted: Thu 02 Mar, 2006 7:52 am
by georgeh
Hi everyone

My first post on here
I notice on aprevious post someone saying that they had read bad reports about the logan Pro Joiner.

I am in the process of starting up a framing company in Sarawak Malaysia and I have just purchased a Charnwood guillotine, which is giving good results, however I just can't get a good enough joint using the logan joiner, to produce commercial results

I have gone through the pro joiner manual step by step and tried all combination of settings, the major factors seem to be

Positioning of the head on the moulding
Setting the height of the head
Positioning of the V nails
Stroke action

The results I'm getting are very disappointing 1 joint of approx 6 being successful.

I have checked several uk and usa forums re the pro joiner and any posts have all been re. problems with this equipment.

What i'm wondering is if there is any framers who are using the pro joiner to produce commercial results and are satisfied with this kit.

The other thing is I am now ready to purchase an underpinner, i would prefer to buy local but the only machine which I can find here is the Italian Alphamacchine Minigraf, Looking at the brochures it seems ok but I notice on here most people either seem to be using the Cassese underpinner, anyone using the Alphamaccine, I can import the Cassese from Australia.


Posted: Thu 02 Mar, 2006 8:22 am
by John
Hi George,

Welcome to the forum.

We have a Cassese underpinner, but I have used a Minigraf in the past and found it to be a sound machine.

Perhaps others with more experience with this equipment will share their views...

Good luck with your venture.

Posted: Fri 03 Mar, 2006 9:02 am
by Keith Hewitt
Hi George,

Welcome to the world of framing!
If you like to contact me by e-mail I can introduce you to some reliable framing machinery distributors in S'pore or KL that you might find to be
a better source than going to OZ. Other framers in Kuching, K.K. and B.S.B. source from here.

Keith Hewitt

Posted: Sat 11 Mar, 2006 1:10 pm
by RobinC
We have just bought an Alfamachine Minigraf 44 after 18 years of using a Cassese 810. Its is early days, but my framers are really pleased with the Minigraf, producing excellent results, albeit at a slightly slower pace than with the Cassese.I expect the time will improve as they become used to the machine. I will be selling the second hand Cassese in a few weeks after we have had the machine serviced, so if anyone is interested let me know.