PLEASE READ THIS! - Cumbria Tragedy

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PLEASE READ THIS! - Cumbria Tragedy

Post by Moglet »

Firstly, I would just like to express my heartfelt sorrow for all the people affected directly and indirectly by the horrific events that took place in Cumbria yesterday.

In particular, if any forum members, or their friends or acquaintances have been affected, please PLEASE go and get a check-up with either the emergency support services or your local GP as soon as possible. After such an event, there is a strong possibility that many will be affected by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. By seeking medical attention and advice, it may be possible that people who have been traumatised could be prescribed a short course of beta blockers by their medical people, and this may go greatly towards helping them for the longer term.

Beta blockers can help prevent traumatic events from imprinting too strongly on a person's subconscious, and thus decrease the possiblity of their developing longer term and more severe reactions to the trauma they have experienced, and it could save them from so much long term distress and suffering.

For any readers that have been affected by these most dreadful events, I hope this information is of some help to you. I wish I had known four years ago that prompt administration of beta blocker meds after a severe trauma can potentially be so beneficial to one's recovery and long-term mental well-being.

My thoughts and heartfelt prayers are with all the victims and their families, and with the larger community whose lives have been affected by this horrific series of events.
........Áine JGF SGF FTB
Image .Briseann an dúchas trí shuiligh an chuit.
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