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Recently designed website for sale

Posted: Thu 01 Jul, 2010 1:54 pm
by deadgrateful
Due to a dramatic change in circumstances my company will cease to exist in it's current form. We recently had a very detailed and attractive website designed by a design agency in Brighton. We produced the site ourselves and all the content and layout was specifically designed for a company related to picture framing printing and mounting (although this could possibly be adapted).

Even though the site has only been up a month we have seen a huge increase in business through it. We also had the site fully optimised for keywords related to our location and business (we spent around £2500 on SEO).

Obviously I don't want to see the whole project go to the dogs, so thought I'd offer it up for sale to anyone here. I will obviously have the agency who designed it replace all the contact with that of a new business, and the whole site will be re-branded and re optimised for your geographic location.

Basically it's a great opportunity to have a professional non template bespoke website for a fraction of the price we paid!

I will consider any offer/trade or interesting proposal. If anyone wanted to keep the existing company name and branding, that could possibly be arranged also.

The web address is