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LION Chop service anyone ? and use with EstLite ?

Posted: Wed 07 Jul, 2010 9:34 pm
by Bagpuss
I have never used a Chop service before but am seriously consideirng using LION's, can anyone recommend it ? I am only going to use it for larger more expensive mouldings and I'm wondering how best to quote a Chop price from EstLite ? Can anyone shed some light please ?

Re: LION Chop service anyone ? and use with EstLite ?

Posted: Thu 08 Jul, 2010 9:54 am
by Jonny2morsos
I have used Lion's chop service and can recommend it.

Don't use estlite but do have a computer pricing system (Wessex Premier). This has a field in which to enter waste factor when adding mouldings. Assuming estlite has the same how does it look if you price the job with a zero waste factor? But then if you are paying carriage do you need to add that in as well?

I usually work out the chop price multiply by a mark up factor and then add in the other items like mount and glass and I do the same with aluminium mouldings bought chop.

Re: LION Chop service anyone ? and use with EstLite ?

Posted: Thu 08 Jul, 2010 8:08 pm
by Bagpuss
Jonny2morsos wrote: I usually work out the chop price multiply by a mark up factor and then add in the other items like mount and glass and I do the same with aluminium mouldings bought chop.
Thanks for the reply, I guess if I change the price in Estlite to the LION Chop price then I will only order specific mouldings as Chop, which suits me, probably the chunkier ones for canvases etc.,
Out of interest, do you use any other Suppliers for Chop ? Arqadia perhaps ?
One final question, do you order them to the exact size of a tad longer so you can cut to final size ?
thanks again,
Adam/ Bagpuss

Re: LION Chop service anyone ? and use with EstLite ?

Posted: Thu 08 Jul, 2010 9:40 pm
by Jonny2morsos
Yes I have used Arqadia and I can recommend them too. They have an option of Glass Size in which case they cut 2mm longer or exact size which is self explanatory.

With all chops I use the pricing system to work out the glass mount etc. and then add the chop element on as an "extra cost" using my mark up factor and not forgetting carriage and hardware if it is aluminium although I only charge the carriage at cost

When thinking about your mark up don't forget there is less hassle factor as well i.e. you don't have to go searching shelf for the moulding, adjust the quantity in your stock control system, put the unused length back on the shelf etc.

Re: LION Chop service anyone ? and use with EstLite ?

Posted: Fri 09 Jul, 2010 8:44 am
by philipsheldon

Ashworth & Thompson offer a very good chop service. Happy to discuss your requirements & offer you a free example of the quality of what we produce.
PM me or call me on ( 0115 ) 964 7507 for more details.



Re: LION Chop service anyone ? and use with EstLite ?

Posted: Fri 09 Jul, 2010 11:19 am
by markw
99% of my moulding orders are chop - Normally Ashworth & Thompson and I couldnt rate their service highly enough - they are brilliant. Because most of my work is chop I have Estlite set up accordingly - But I would add that chop really shouldn't be adding to your pricing. You have to remember 2 factors - time and waste. Your not cutting - and your not wasting any moulding.

I order the exact size that I need - I have factored in any allowances I need to make when measuring up the job.

You can setup Estlite to automatically email chop orders - very useful if you put in large orders as I do.

I am very fussy - I expect the chopped moulding to arrive with me in perfect condition - flawless and chopped with care and precision. I rarely have any complaints.

The big problem with chop is that you have no error for mistakes - so you have to be very accurate when you order - and when you join.

Re: LION Chop service anyone ? and use with EstLite ?

Posted: Sat 13 Nov, 2010 12:39 am
Hi Adam ,
Usually you order with 2mm.added for the glass size.
The idea of the chop service is so that you don't have
to use your Morso so less risk of messing up.
All you have to do is underpin the four sides.

Iff you still aren't sure just give Lion a ring and
They will guide you through.

Re: LION Chop service anyone ? and use with EstLite ?

Posted: Sat 13 Nov, 2010 4:21 pm
by Framerpicture
markw wrote:99% of my moulding orders are chop .
Hi Mark
I've read before that you use chop but didn't realise anybody did it to that extent-

I do use Arqadia and Nielson for chop but only on expensive mouldings.From a price point of view, how does chop compare with buying by the lenght on smaller mouldings?

Obviously you have no waste (Although we can find this useful for setting up the pinner) but I guess you must pay some carriage?


Re: LION Chop service anyone ? and use with EstLite ?

Posted: Sat 13 Nov, 2010 4:34 pm
by markw
Hi Will
I don't pay any carriage. Buying chop works for me - not only do I have no waste - I have no stock apart from a couple of profiles - gold hockey - black hockey etc. I carry a huge range of samples and dont attempt to guide my customers in the direction of stuff I have in stock. I have anything chopped - from a small basic moulding up to huge ornate mouldings. I can get almost anything back to me next day if I order before 12 noon. I use Ashworth and Thompson for almost all my chop - and I can honestly say their service is second to none.

Re: LION Chop service anyone ? and use with EstLite ?

Posted: Tue 15 Mar, 2011 11:36 pm
by countrystudio
I have just started a small framing business and shied away from chop services because of price but your posts have given me food for thought.
Thank you.

Re: LION Chop service anyone ? and use with EstLite ?

Posted: Wed 16 Mar, 2011 11:17 am
by Tim
philipsheldon wrote: Ashworth & Thompson offer a very good chop service.
I can vouch that this is, indeed, the case. Have used them many times.


Re: LION Chop service anyone ? and use with EstLite ?

Posted: Wed 16 Mar, 2011 4:55 pm
by philipsheldon
:D Thanks Tim ! You make poor old Zippy blush !

You're a good man !