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Out of the box

Posted: Tue 20 Jul, 2010 7:58 pm
by Roboframer
When I get to the bottom of the reply box, silly things start happening!

When I press return the bottom line goes out of sight below the box and leaps up and down in and out of view per character.

When I press the down arrow the text jumps up and then goes back to where it was and sometimes when I press it a lot of times, the page scrolls down instead of up!

If I press return a lot of times, to try and make some space to type in, when I go back to where I left off, as soon as I start typing, see second paragraph.

Only happening here, have I enabled/disabled summut?

Won't work in an empty reply box - IOW I can press return until the cursor is past the bottom of the box and start typing there OK.

Re: Out of the box

Posted: Tue 20 Jul, 2010 9:01 pm
by John
Try another browser.

I have noticed similar but only in Internet Explorer.

Re: Out of the box

Posted: Tue 20 Jul, 2010 9:41 pm
by mikeysaling
robo - try opera - it works ok but i havnt set it as my main browser - only when i have probs with ie

Re: Out of the box

Posted: Tue 20 Jul, 2010 10:32 pm
by Jonny2morsos
Happens with me in IE. real pain!

Re: Out of the box

Posted: Tue 20 Jul, 2010 11:07 pm
by Roboframer
Thanks, very reassuring, usually it's just me! But this is a brand new 'puter with a touch screen that I'm a bit scared of and thought maybe I'd done something whilst swatting a mosquito.

If a large fly crawls up the screen it scrolls!

I have not installed any other browsers yet, just IE so far. With the last PC, which was taken over by AOL www-wise - IE was a dog, but now it opens in seconds and I quite like it, bar this problem, which for now I'll sort by making a word document and doing a cut and paste when needs be.

Going to give this new 'puter as little to think about as possible so it's always as super-fast as it is now, don't want to download stuff to sort trivial problems like this.