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That's not how I was taught to use a Morso

Posted: Mon 03 Oct, 2011 9:43 pm
by Not your average framer
The following video on Youtube shows using a Morso without the usual backing off of the blades on the return stroke and also advancing the blades after each cut with the knee of the leg which is operating the foot pedal.

I always assumed that it was a bad idea not to back off the blades, before allowing the blades to make the return stroke. However, considering that this is an official video produced by the guillotine manufacturer, this technique has got me thinking! I haven't tried it myself.

Is this a technique which anyone else is successfully using?

Any comments?

Re: That's not how I was taught to use a Morso

Posted: Mon 03 Oct, 2011 10:00 pm
by BaBaZa
They should have had a framer do the demo.

At 50seconds he puts his hands into the blades to clear the off cut.... Ouch!

He also scrapes the cut piece of moulding against the blades when finished cutting each piece.

......... I wonder how many fingers he has left since the video was recorded?

It's not a Morso.

Posted: Mon 03 Oct, 2011 10:26 pm
by Roboframer
He knew his machine - know yours!

I started off without backing the blades off but some mouldings lifted with the blades so I got in to the habit of backing them off every stroke when that happened and eventually just did it anyway.

Re: That's not how I was taught to use a Morso

Posted: Mon 03 Oct, 2011 10:56 pm
by Not your average framer
I'm guessing that this technique only works with particular mouldings, which don't tend to drag upwards with the blades.

Its a Cassesse!

Posted: Tue 04 Oct, 2011 4:51 am
by Keith Hewitt
I find it intriguing you call it a Morso !

It has Cassesse name all over it. :D

So is it like all Vacuum cleaners being called HOVERS?

Danlist would happy to see their product has become so well known other machines are now referred to as a Morso.

Re: That's not how I was taught to use a Morso

Posted: Tue 04 Oct, 2011 9:37 am
by Dave
Looks a bit brutal to me, I back mine off every time. I noticed he didn't back off for the final cut which doesn't smack of the best quality finish to me and is likely to damage the top face of laquered / heavily built up frames. Going to try it out for sure, but the time saving to a bespoke framer is insufficient to worry about.


Re: Its a Cassesse!

Posted: Tue 04 Oct, 2011 9:54 am
by Not your average framer
Keith Hewitt wrote:I find it intriguing you call it a Morso !
Hi Keith,

I know it's a Cassesse, but I was not taught on a Cassesse, I was taught on a Morso, hence my title to this thread.

Re: That's not how I was taught to use a Morso

Posted: Tue 04 Oct, 2011 9:59 am
by Not your average framer
I tried this technique on a bit of scrap moulding this morning and it does work, but it does not appear to save any time at all.

Added to this the unnatural movement of your hip to move the level with your knee does not seem to be conducive to avoiding future hip problems.

I'm guessing that the guy performing the demo is a salesman, not a framer!

Re: That's not how I was taught to use a Morso

Posted: Tue 04 Oct, 2011 11:58 am
by easypopsgcf
If you had the time to do it that way then you'd be very quiet i guess :lol:

Re: That's not how I was taught to use a Morso

Posted: Tue 04 Oct, 2011 12:14 pm
by prospero
If you were meant to do it like that they would have have rounded of the pointy metal bit near the knob. :o

Re: That's not how I was taught to use a Morso

Posted: Tue 04 Oct, 2011 10:57 pm
by Framer Dave
I have no problem with it. I'd back off the blades after each cut when needed, but not all mouldings hang up and need it.

When I learned yo use chopper I quickly found it was faster and easier to move it with my knee. Very helpful when chopping moulding for a hundred or two 8x10 frames.

Re: That's not how I was taught to use a Morso

Posted: Wed 05 Oct, 2011 9:03 am
by Graysalchemy
Framer Dave wrote: When I learned yo use chopper I quickly found it was faster and easier to move it with my knee. Very helpful when chopping moulding for a hundred or two 8x10 frames.
I used to do that but then got a saw much easier and faster. :giggle:

Re: That's not how I was taught to use a Morso

Posted: Wed 05 Oct, 2011 10:04 am
by Not your average framer
Mmmm, an interesting range of opinions on this thread. I did notice when I tried this that it is less precise to move the lever with your knee, but prehaps it gets better with practice.

Does anyone think that moving the lever with your knee is likely to be worse for joints wear and other related problems than moving the lever by hand?

I'm gonna ask a physio therapist friend about this one! If she says anything bad about this I will report what she says on the forum.

Re: That's not how I was taught to use a Morso

Posted: Wed 05 Oct, 2011 11:20 am
by acleto

If we follow the mechanism design, we make the movement down and than to the right, impossible to perform by the knee. Is like driving, and not to make the H drawing to change speeds, we must respect the
ergonomic design.
