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Feedback on my website please.

Posted: Wed 25 Apr, 2012 7:52 pm
by EmmaS
Hello all, here is the link to my lovely new website....

....and I'd really appreciate any feedback you can give. I'm not a complete framing novice but when it comes to marketing myself as a freelancer this is a new venture - and you lot are, after all, my target market! So comments, good and bad, much appreciated.

Best Wishes, Emma

Re: Feedback on my website please.

Posted: Wed 25 Apr, 2012 8:32 pm
by kev@frames
looks nice. good design. modern. clean. loads quick in firefox.
the caricature is a great idea.
just personal opinion: would really benefit form a gallery or portfolio of your work (finished frames) but that is probably on its way and an idea of daily/hourly rate or whatever if you are freelancing, and what areas you will go to.
A testimonial or two, would be handy.
Intrigued by the glass cutting guillotine.....
liked the qualifications, enough to make anyone smile, and that goes a long way.
In short, memorable for all the right reasons.
I don't need a freelancer, but if I did and I saw your site I would make the call or email.

The sites good.
getting peoople there is the thing - Im just wondering whether people needing a hand will search for "freelancer" or what will they search for?
add yourself to the forum directory in "services" too.
Thats about it from me. sure you'll get some more feedback from others.

Re: Feedback on my website please.

Posted: Wed 25 Apr, 2012 9:12 pm
by EmmaS
Haha! Glass guillotine? Oops what an idiot - I meant the wall mounted cutty thingy. Wow I feel really professional now! I've changed it for now but might re-do that whole services bit to include more - I'm not sure those four measly bullet points do me justice....

Your other points are all really excellent, I'll probably have to expand the whole site to include things like testimonials, photo portfolio etc, but they are things I've considered so watch this space!

Thanks so much, Emma

Re: Feedback on my website please.

Posted: Wed 25 Apr, 2012 9:31 pm
by Gesso&Bole
Hi Emma

Site looks good, and works ok on an iPad

I agree with Kev - give us some visuals, show some examples of your work.

Well done

Re: Feedback on my website please.

Posted: Wed 25 Apr, 2012 9:40 pm
by Bagpuss
Hi Emma,
first impressions great, I like the look but unfortunately I cannot read the white text , for me there's not enough contrast, perhaps the brightness on my laptop is up too high :( just thought I'd mention it.
All the best,

Re: Feedback on my website please.

Posted: Thu 26 Apr, 2012 8:01 am
by EmmaS
Hi Adam, thanks for the comments but sorry you couldn't read the text..... my boyfriend/pet website designer would like to know what you're viewing it on to see if it's a problem he can correct!

Thanks again to all for the comments, I've since changed a few more bits in 'services' due to your excellent advice.

On the sordid topic of coin however, can I ask.... A few people have told me that having rates right there on the website could look a little tacky, but would you rather know upfront without having to contact me to ask?

And as for a photo portfolio of my work, it's something I've wanted to do but obviously the things I'm framing aren't my own.... do you know where I stand on photographing and using images of other people's work on my site? I assumed it was a no-no. I suppose I could just snap the corners to show off the frame.....?

Keep it coming guys, this is just what I needed, thanks so much for your help, Emma

Re: Feedback on my website please.

Posted: Thu 26 Apr, 2012 12:29 pm
by JohnMcafee
Lovely, quirky, website Emma.

Can't frame without OCD, eh? :)

Re: Feedback on my website please.

Posted: Thu 26 Apr, 2012 2:24 pm
by Framerpicture
Site looks good , great design. My initial thoughts were that you make/carve/ gild/ restore etc the ornate frames you see. If this was the case I'd be offering you a job!

Re: Feedback on my website please.

Posted: Thu 26 Apr, 2012 4:39 pm
by Bagpuss
EmmaS wrote:Hi Adam, thanks for the comments but sorry you couldn't read the text..... my boyfriend/pet website designer would like to know what you're viewing it on to see if it's a problem he can correct!
Thanks Emma, as soon as I read your reply I realised I restored my laptop a week ago and it's running IE6 ! :giggle: Just downloaded IE8 and your website looks great, good luck with that. You wouldn't believe I worked in IT for 15 years ....

Re: Feedback on my website please.

Posted: Thu 26 Apr, 2012 6:12 pm
by EmmaS
JohnMcafee wrote: Can't frame without OCD, eh? :)
....spent a full 10 minutes today trying to get a black speck out of a box frame. Curse you black speck *shakes fist*

Re: Feedback on my website please.

Posted: Thu 26 Apr, 2012 6:17 pm
by EmmaS
Framerpicture wrote:My initial thoughts were that you make/carve/ gild/ restore etc the ornate frames you see. If this was the case I'd be offering you a job!
Thanks for the feedback - I am actually working with the head of frame conservation for the National Galleries of Scotland (on a voluntary basis for now at least :wink: ) learning to do just that - I'm working on restoring an 18th century frame and velvet slip, it's really you think I should include more of this stuff on my site? Others skills/interests etc??

Cheers again to everyone, this is all a lot of help, x

Re: Feedback on my website please.

Posted: Thu 26 Apr, 2012 6:26 pm
by Steve N
Hi Emma,
Look's good way down here in Bristol, on my laptop windows 7 on Firefox, as to a portfolio of your work, why not frame some stuff of your own, hang it on your walls at home (good for a photo shoot) what about family and friends, plus you can always show future employers the standard of your work, I also wish you all the best in your freelancing work, keep us updated on how you are getting on.

Re: Feedback on my website please.

Posted: Fri 27 Apr, 2012 12:34 pm
by David McCormack
Hello Emma,

Your work at the NG of Scotland sounds interesting :D

Your website is fun and works on my old mac using safari. Just a small point, it would be good if the enlarged frames were of better quality and not pixelated :oops: but that is just nitpicking :roll: what are we framers like,.. now back to looking for those flumbs! :evil:

Good luck in finding the work you want.

Re: Feedback on my website please.

Posted: Fri 04 May, 2012 5:52 pm
by JamesC
Looks good Emma.

For your puprose this is a great site - somewhere to point people and not overcomplicated. Professionally done but with nice humour.

You could pack it with a few more keywords and phrases (e.g. framer wanted, trade framer) to get found by search engines and customers, but as you are likely to be one of only a few freelance framers in edinburgh it should not be bad anyway.

As an e-commerce site this would stink, but it is not - it's right for your market and that's the key perhaps.

I think direct marketing will be much more effective than the website, but at least people will know they can tap "freelance framer edinburgh" into google if they forget your details or lose your card.

Re: Feedback on my website please.

Posted: Mon 07 May, 2012 12:51 pm
by prospero
Nice first page Emma. Friendly with a touch of humour - tick VG :D

I can read the text OK on goooglechrome. Maybe you should try other fonts. That one looks a bit untidy somehow.

A little critique on the wording. The average fruggle (non-framing people :P ), will have no idea what a Morso is. Same with an underpinner - let alone the difference between manual and pneumatic. They don't give a hoot how you do it but they will want to know what you can do.

Don't put abreviations in (inc?) Or &&&&&&s. :roll:

You could make the pop-out panels bigger and the text bigger to give more impact. Keep the wording simple and direct.

Just my take - feel free to ignore it. :lol:

Re: Feedback on my website please.

Posted: Thu 17 May, 2012 6:10 pm
by simoonez
Great stuff, has a really good tone to it. If you were back down in Dorset I'd offer you work. :D

To be picky though, as you did ask, the frames are pixelated when they are enlarged. It seems to go against your OCD. I realise it's a stylistic thing, but I would capitalise Edinburgh on that main page, and I think 'coast' as in '..a quick move along the South coast' should have a capital C. South shouldn't be capitalised on its own though.
To be really picky, I find it slightly annoying that the background hand drawn frame isn't all on the page.

I assume this website is directed entirely at framers, so perhaps the specifics of Morso and underpinner are fine?

The work you're doing at the NG sounds amazing, I'd definitely squeeze that on there somewhere. Perhaps some examples of your work maybe?

Really good site though, the background texture is rather nice too. I love the simplicity. It seems to be imbued with trust and friendliness. As I said before, even being picky, I would definitely send work your way. :D