EstLite Version 6.0

Software related questions, and
suggestions for new features or improvements.
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EstLite Version 6.0

Post by cmaclean »

Hello John
Greetings from NZ.
I have downloaded the new version, looks wonderful, nice format. I am experiencing a small problem which I'dlike your advice about.
I open the programme, enter the details for the Job, then click on Details which takes me into with the Customer data screen. In the minimised screen I don't see everything on that screen. I can see as far down the page as Mat widths, top, sides, bottom. On the right side of the screen I see the Find icon. When I maximise the screen The buttons on the RH side of the screen (View Job Docket, send docket to printer, reports or labels etc) are only partially visible. The printer setup etc are not visible in the big screen, so I can't preview the jobs before sending them to the printer or anything...

I run Win98SE on a Pentium II.

Cheers for now

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Post by John »

Hi Campbell,

Sorry to hear about your difficulties.

I havn't come across this before, so I'm afraid I'll have to take a shot or two in the dark.

What screen resolution are you using? I mostly use 1024 x 768

Have you tried changing your screen resolution?

Is your system display properties set to "Large Fonts" or "Small Fonts"?

What happens when you drag the edges (bottom or right) to make the Customer Data screen wider or deeper?

Do you have the same problem when you display other screens, such as Options, or is it just the Customer Data screen?

Try downloading the latest version v6.01, this should solve the problem if it is as a result of having "Large Fonts" enabled

Take care,

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Post by cmaclean »

Dear John
Thanks for your note. I'm using screen resolution of 1024x768, and large fonts. Other screens there is no problem, i.e Options scren and all the options within that are OK. The problem I have is only with the Customer Data Screen. Dragging the edges makes the screen wider and deeper but doesn't allow all the info to be displayed.

So, I changed the Large Fonts to Small fonts and my problem with the Customer Data Screen disappeared.

I use Large Fonts because my eyes aren't what they used to be. (They used to be ears or something!).

For the meantime I'm happy. It is a mystery that one scren is different to the other, not something I experienced with the 5.XX versions.

Keep those upgrades coming!

Bye now
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