The Ford Family of Posters Mostly in Scottsdale Arizona

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The Ford Family of Posters Mostly in Scottsdale Arizona

Post by Dermot »

I’m posting this link to the US Grumble…..words cannot describe how I feel….I have made a small contribution from this side of the pond……the trust of this story puts to bed in my mind once and for all that Picture Framing bulletin boards (BB) are only for whiners this is a true revelation of how valuable a BB can be in a small community like picture framing…..only for The Grumble the Ford family would be suffering alone.

The Grumble has allowed this story to filter out to like minded people who can understand the Fords family horror.

Below is a link to this appalling tragedy….. ... 006694;p=1

10th of May
Recently, Thomas Ford of Posters Mostly in Scottsdale was involved in a horrible auto accident. He lost his wife, he is still hospitalized in very serious condition, his son is home, but his daughter is very critical.

His hospitalization will be for an extended time.

This, all caused by a drunk driver with almost 3 times the legal limit.

He is fortunate in that it is a family business, but he is the main framer.

So, out here in Arizona, the suppliers that I have talked to (one of them being the one so many want to hate first)have stepped up and will provide all moulding chop and joined at their regular length price. This represents a tremendous time saver. They also have volunteered to offer mats cut and glass cut to them as well.(oops, I guess that means they are getting into the retail business..)

I am so thankful there are vendors like this that don't need to be prodded; that have stepped up to help a long time fixture in the community in their time of need. I won't mention their names but one is South Mountain and the other is, well, we know who it is and they don't want to be recognized.

But, I'm thinking they should be.

Now, for all Arizona framers: The Ford's will have some serious financial concerns and several of us(Dave Modean for one) are trying to put something together to set up a way to collect some money to help. Liberty Elementary School has a non-profit fund through the PTA (PV School District)and is accepting donations. But I'm thinking of a way we can do something through all our collective businesses. Any local people that want to participate call me at the PV Mall store (602-996-0021)and let's see what we can do.

Thoughts and prayers are great, but cash will pay some of the bills. And you know they will be substantial.

I just had to say something after getting off the phone with Dave and knowing how often they take a bad rap.

This is just another example of them doing something simply because it is the right thing to do.

Now, if the rest of us.....

Bob Carter
Frame Up

19th May
Hi Guys-It is with profound sadness that I must report that we received a phone call informing us that Thomas's little girl passed away yesterday as a result of her injuries.

We are all heartbroken.

Morgan, my employee, instantly remembered some good times they spent on the beach. What a wonderful first

And that's the way I will remember this tragic occurence, also.

Thank you to all that have offered help and the list is growing daily. While it is certainly no answer, it sure is a very nice and decent gesture.

We are doubling our efforts to do as much as we can to offer help where so much is needed.

I just don't know how much more one family should have to suffer.

Bob Carter
Frame Up

Post by Dermot »

From Bob Carter; Posted by Dermot

Hester Ford asked me to forward this letter to the Grumble and Hitchhiker. It is self explanatory

Oct. 31, 2004

To our fellow framers and suppliers, near and far, concerning Thomas Ford, manager of our framing department here at Posters Mostly in Scottsdale, Arizona.

It's been six months since Thomas Ford, his wife, and two children were driving home from a family birthday party and were struck by a drunk driver. As you are aware, his wife, Wendy was killed and his ten-year-old daughter, Haley, died three weeks later as a result of her injuries. Thomas was released from the trauma ward five weeks later and is presently going through the very slow process of recovery. Although his eyes have yet to focus and he is still in constant physical pain, he is able to work a few hours a day at the store. As you may have learned, his eight-year-old son, Patrick, survived the accident without serious injury.

The generosity of framers and suppliers from not only here in the United States, but from around the world, has been literally overwhelming. The checks we've received and the outpouring of sympathy has brought home to all of us here at Posters Mostly what a close family we all are. We can't thank all of you enough.

Our prayerful thanks to all of you.

Hester N. Ford,
Posters Mostly

As a side note,we started this fund raiser at the behest of one of my employees, Morgan DiNovo, and were able to collect over $40,000 in direct contributions and untold amounts of generosity from several vendors. I, too, want to thank those many people that helped out on this truly worthy effort.

Not to pick on our friends at the Hitchhikers, but the overwhelming majority of contributions came from Grumblers. You all did real good and should be vey proud of yourselves

Bob Carter
Frame Up ... 1;t=007606
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