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Post by Pizmo »

Hello everyone.... a friend of mine has asked me to frame 3 medals. I am a hobby framer and have not done this before. I assumed, (stupidly), that I could make a box frame and attach the medals onto the mountboard by the back, but she has asked for the medals to be recessed. I have been scratcing my head for some time now and I can't come up with a way of doing this. Is there anyone out there that can help me please?
Thank you........

Pizmo :?

Post by markw »

Hi Pizmo
What do you mean by "recessed".
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Post by Pizmo »

Hi Markw.....

what I mean is not having the medals lying on top of the montboard but so the front surface of the medal is level with the surface of the mountboard. I hope that makes some sense...... any ideas?


Post by Dermot »

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Post by Merlin »

Computer has had a 'brain fart' for christmas..

Will post another picture tomorrow

But please do not forget it is really important to get the medal order correct. That is looking at the medals from the left to the right ... ibbons.htm
John GCF
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Post by Pizmo »

Hi John and Dermot, thanks for getting back to me.... Love the picture wish I could send you one of these medals but don't have a clue how, have looked at all the advise sent to other people about posting pictures and its all gobbledy gook to me ..... will try to get hubby to sort it out after xmas....
The medals I have are quite large, 75mm wide and 6 mm deep, and are sports medals with ribbons attached. She wants the ribbons shown in a particular way and the medals in a recess. The only thing I can come up with is cutting a hole in some foam core, slightly bigger than the medals, covering it in some kind of material and pushing the medal into the recess? I don't know if anyone has done this before or just admit defeat and do it the normal way? But I hate giving up!

While I'm here.... Dermot, how did you attach the medals to the mountboard?


Post by markw »

Pizmo - I wrote a reply yesterday evening - but it seems to have got lost somewhere. I would do as you suggest - foamcore - cut holes cover in suitable material - if you use velvet remember it cant go directly against the glass as it will look crushed. you could use a board behind the front board - covered in same material - wrap material from front board around edge of indent - and glue - this should stop the material distorting as it goes into indentation - back board will finish the recess neatly - if your lucky medal will have some point that you can fix using fine fishing line or similar - carefully stitch ribbon in place so that it has a natural hang - should look great.
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Post by Pizmo »


I will give it a go ..... thanks for the tips about the velvet and for covering a board behind the front board .... didn't think of that! I will let you know how it goes and if I sort out camera will bore you all and post pickie as there aren't enough on this forum for us newbies!!!!
(get clicking all of you - I'm sure you've all got nothing better to do!!!! :lol:

Thanks again

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Post by Merlin »

Thought you were talking about military medals at first.

John GCF
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Post by Pizmo »

Brilliant ....

Have been out shopping and come back armed with material (er.... lots of it!) .... will have a go and let you know how it went .....

Thanks all of you for your help and the pictures ..... any more ideas keep them coming!!

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Post by John »

If Anyone is having trouble including pictures with posts on the forum, just attach the image files to an email, send it to me, and I will make them available for you to include in your next post.
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Post by Merlin »

Here are some more pics of swim medals and construction tips

Just scroll down the page. ... 678#000000
John GCF
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Post by Pizmo »

Hi everyone .... since you have all been so helpful thought I would pick your brains some more!

This thing is keeping me awake at night and need to finish it soon so I can get some sleep!

So far I have cut out the foamcore and the medals fit snugly into the holes.... (just like to share with you all that I have also done 2 more templates ready to be cut out in case of mistakes!!!!!!).... The medals fit in with the velvet, but what concerns me is what if she bangs the finished product and the medals pop out? I would then have to take it all apart and start again! How can I secure the medals in the recesses to stop them from falling out?

I'm sorry that I am asking so many questions, but it is Christmas after all!

Thanks again ......


Post by markw »

You should be able to wire in the top of the medals at the point where the ribbon goes through. Fuse wire - or fine fishing line should do the job. couple of holes made in backboard - tie off at the back.
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Post by Pizmo »

Hi Markw,

thanks for reply, couldn't use the fishing line as these medals are really big and that would only secure them at the top. I have put acid free tape across the hole at the back of the foam core and pressed the medals into the recess so they have stuck onto the tape. I am hoping this is ok and will not damage the medals. When the second piece of foamcore goes onto the back hopefully it will all hold together! No wonder no one else would do this for her its a complete nightmare! I am at the sewing stage now and have given up for the night as keep missing the ribbon and sewing my finger onto it instead! Hopefully will sleep better tonight....

If Santa brings me a camera on Sunday will take picture..... if he doesn't I will have a go at my husband!

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Post by Pizmo »

I thought I would share with you that I have still not finished these medals! Am ready to throw them out of the window! I was doing ok and now the fomecore has bent out of shape slightly as I think I have pulled the velvet around it too tightly causing it to bend a little..... I am now going to start from the beginning as I have tried everything to get it flat again to no avail ......

Hopefully be done by next year!

Still ..... I am learnng from my mistakes ... just wish I didn't make so many!!!

Pizmo :(
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Post by Pizmo »

HURRAY ITS DONE ...........

I finally finished this thing and gave it back to her this morning. I have never been so glad to see the back of something in my life! The problems I have had and it has cost me a fortune! First the foam core kept bending so I bought lots more, then the shop I bought the velvet from closed down and could not find it any where! So when I finally found a shop that sold it in a scabby area of London I nearly got mugged. so I bought metres of the stuff so I never have to go back! My sewing was similar to a 4 yr old childs so ended up getting my neighbour, who makes dresses, to do it for me - cost £10 in chocolates and I am going to have to be nice to their 14 yr old boy in future. The wood I bought for the frame was not deep enough so had to buy different stuff. Got 2 lengths of expensive moulding and realised my measurements were wrong and only needed one. Nearly cut my finger off cleaning the glass and after all this it did look really smart. I gave it to her and she was over the moon....... then the most awful thing happened ..... she said .......'I'll buy you a drink next time I see you in the pub'. Oh God I nearly died. I haven't got the guts to tell my hubby I came home empty handed!
I have learned lots making this thing, one being I will NEVER do it again this way and I will NEVER frame anything for a friend again!

Oh and Santa didn't bring me a camera so I have no photo.

Framing Norah
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Post by Framing Norah »

A great learning experience for you Pizmo.

If it's any consolation, stuff like this happens to even the most experienced framers. (Not usually all on the one job though!)

As you have discovered, doing work for friends and family can be a nightmare area, specially when they haven't got a clue about the price of framing. I have had hurt looks from friends when all I've asked for was the cost of materials. A real lose-lose situation.

Thank you for sharing your experience.

Post by markw »

As Framing Norah says - we all have jobs that challenge. Sourcing one small component can so often be an absolute nightmare - but I dont think I have ever come close to being mugged. Training costs - and although you didnt get paid - you have moved along the learning curve.

My friends get a discount - but they always pay. My family take advantage of me - and I dont mind.


Post by osgood »

I guess this will be a great learning experience for you. Perhaps you could make some mention of cost in the initial stages when the the job is being discussed in the future! Money always needs to be discussed before the job is started.

I must say that I think that person is not much of a friend to take advantage of you like that.

When the "I'll buy you a drink" comment was made you could have said something like - "don't worry about the drink, lets just settle for $100 to cover the cost of the materials I had to buy".
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